Which character from my book do you want to know about? (I'll do a whole blog post about them!!!)

Saturday 20 October 2012

As Promised...Here they Are!!!!

So, it's been a lovely month of voting hasn't it? Well we finally have the results! Our two winner are:

Emma Blake (main character Abby's BFFL and roomie)


Poseidon (grey 16.2h thoroughbred extroadinaire! Belongs to mean girl numero uno, Cassidy Nelson!)

here are their bios :) enjoy!!!

Emma Blake: Fave colour; purple and orange. Horse's name; Sheridon (a short but sweet appaloosa gelding)
Looks: long, straight black hair that reaches halfway down her back. Her eyes are dark and mysterious. She is the athlete. A bit taller than average height an thin as a stick. She loves going for early morning runs, riding (cross country) and she's on the track team at ECA. She has big goals and she's determined to follow every one of them. She's really smart...but only in math and science. She tries really hard in the other subjects she takes. Although she wants to be a Vet technician for horses when she grows up, her passion for fashion stands in the way.

Poseidon: grey (but pretty much white), 16.2hand thoroughbred gelding. Age: 9. Loves jumping and is a master of dressage. He always wants to please Cassidy, his owner/rider. He tries his best and is an overall "bombproof horse"...except for one little thing. He is terrified to death of..wait for it.....gravel. He WILL NOT walk on it. he's ok with sand, concrete and anything else, except gravel. He has a pretty nasty memory with Cass and gravel that will only be revealed in the story!!

Monday 15 October 2012

That Happy Feeling :)

Well I volunteer at a stable in my hometown that teaches riding to the challenged equestrians. Its honestly so much fun and I've learnt to accept and understand all sorts of people, it's really a great feeling.

Well, time to go!!!

I get to see MY horsey boy, BB :D <3

Sunday 14 October 2012

Ooh La la!

Looks like we have some results <3 :D

Emma Blake, main Character Abby's roomie, with 4 votes! Eeek! Can't wait to reveal stuff about Emma!

Next we have man's best friend -  horses, obviously!!! Poseidon with 5 votes is Cassidy Nelson's (mean girl extroadinaire) horse!


SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: In addition to the horse and girl with the most votes, I'll be revealing TWO other characters...ones that you couldn't vote for!!!

So excited guys, you have no idea!!! :D so hurry and vote!

Anyway, Happy Sunday!

Saturday 13 October 2012

Sweet Saturday Bliss

Yesss! Saturday is finally here!! ahh! So happy :)

Been writing and perfected the beginning of my story.


Thursday 4 October 2012

Ahh rain, one of my favourite types of weather <3
if only school didn't get in the way of my writing!!!!

Reminder: Vote, Vote, VoTe!!!

Your fave horse? Vote for it!
Your fave girly? Vote for her!!

Thanks again ladies and gents!

I love <3 <3 <3 rainy days or summer storms.

comment belooww.. :)

Saturday 29 September 2012

Please VOTE!! :)

So right now, in the amazing vote, it looks like for characters, we have a tie (eeeek!) between Mean girl Cassidy Nelson and main character, Abby Jacobs

For horses, yet again, another tie!! it's between Abby's lovable palomino thoroughbred named Ginger and mean girl Cassidy's pricey thoroughbred gelding, Poseidon!

So, we obviously need to break this tie! The solution you ask?


Thanks again :D

Can't wait to write about my characters <3
1st REAL riding lesson today! Ankles and calves are sore but the horse I ride (Ben) is amazing!!! <3
I have my own horse too, named BB, but he's at a different stable! My instructor put me on a lunge line to see what I can do! I rode around in 2-point at a trot for about half an hour (ouch!) But it was the best! Can't wait to go back!!!

Sunday 23 September 2012

Goodbye Cold!!!

Goodbye to my cold, hello to thee cold! I love it when the air is crisp and the leaves change colour, but being up in Canada, it's COLD!!! Please come back summer *sighs*

Well, back to writing! Abby and company are in a bit of a predicament at the moment ;)

Wednesday 19 September 2012

I hate being Sick.. :(

Well, that's right folks! I'm sick.

On the bright side, I've been writing :)

Here are a few details about my book :D
1. The main character's name is Abby Jacobs
2. Her horse's name is Ginger and she's a palomino thoroughbred
3. Abby and Ginger are heading to an elite boarding academy
4. It's set in Canada!! Purely Canadian! <3
5. Fashion, riding, boys, broken hearts, best friends, and of course; Horses and more riding!!

Wednesday September 19 2012:
 I'm sick. Sore throat. Headache. Runny nose. yup, I'm sick :'(

Well I sure hope I get better!!! :)

Tuesday 18 September 2012

It's a been Long Day

Hey! Big surprise...but...guess what?!?!? I'm continuing to write! Big surprise eh? ;)

So if your visiting my blog here's your chance to type some comments for ideas for my blog! Ideas are always helpful!!!

Tuesday September 18, 2012-

Today was a long day! So glad I'm back at home and writing :)

xoxo Hearts to everyone!

Monday 17 September 2012

Me, the sneaky spy ;)

~~Writing is hard. Not gonna deny that one! It's even tougher when you're still a student!!!~~

Monday September 17, 2012:

Had to sneak my memory stick into class to write for a bit! *sneaky spy* :p

First, I thought I'd tell you about about myself. I'm a hopeful author (kinda got that from the title, right?)
I write about horses and their relations with people! Currently I'm working on a *TOP SECRET* writing project by none other than yours truely (moi!)

Hope you enjoy the Blog :)

Happy Monday!